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  • Search the HGTD Breeds

    Search here to locate breed-related DNA test information for breeds and tests currently available from participating genetic test providers (GTPs).  (All known GTPs are listed in the GTP section, both participating and non-participating.)   Listing of tests does not imply endorsement by IPFD as to accuracy, validity or application in the breed.

    How to use the search 
    Start typing the breed's name in the search box (enter at least 3 letters); a drop-down selection box will allow you to select from several breeds. Choose the breed you are looking for and hit the Search button which will open a new window that will contain links to DNA tests available for the breed. The HGTD search by breed accesses the "English" name for the breed or the breed's name in other languages if available.   Note: for more test options for your breed, search "ALL".

    Need Help with Breed Names?
    Access The Breed Names file which contains a list of breeds as each is identified in different languages: Swedish, English, FCI names, German, French and Spanish.
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