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  • The International Partnership for Dogs

    The International Partnership for Dogs (IPFD) is a non-profit organization leading a global, multi-stakeholder effort to enhance dog health, well-being, and welfare.

  • ~ Dog Breeding Reform Group ~

      The Dog Breeding Reform Group (DBRG) is an organisation dedicated to improving the health and welfare of dogs through responsible breeding. It was founded in 2013 and became a Charitable Trust in 2015. Members of the DBRG include veterinary specialists, dog welfare and law experts, breeders and dog owners.


      Brief Bio: Dog Breeding Reform Group (DBRG)

      About Us:

      The formation of the DBRG group came from an identified need to maintain a focus on the breeding issues connected with dog health and welfare and to lobby the Government and its officials for constructive changes to dog breeding regulations and practices.


      Our Objectives

      • Raise public awareness of the health and welfare problems associated with dog breeding
      • An end to the practice of ‘puppy farming’
      • Inclusion of Animal Welfare within the school curriculum
      • A ban on the sale of puppies by anyone other than the breeder
      • Widespread use of the DBRG Standard for Dog Breeding and RSPCA/AWF Puppy Contract
      • Appropriate health screening required to be carried out before dogs are selected for breeding.
      • Only dogs which are free from serious genetic diseases may be used for breeding. Care must also be taken to maintain genetic diversity
      • Enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act by local authorities as a statutory duty
      • Local authority licensing required for breeders who breed more than two litters a year
      • All breeders registered with the local authority
      • Advertisements for puppy sales accompanied by the breeder’s local authority registration number
      • Enhanced Animal Welfare Act 2006, including statutory regulations protecting progeny from inherited diseases and harmful physical traits
      • A Code of Practice for Dog Breeding


      How we aim to achieve those Objectives

      • Providing the Standard for Dog Breeding on the DBRG website
      • Providing the Guide to Finding the Right Dog on the DBRG website
      • Promoting the RSPCA/AWF Puppy Contract
      • Providing information to the general public about the BVA/KC Canine Health Schemes
      • Providing a Guide to Finding the Right Dog
      • Organising Canine Health Symposiums jointly with Surrey University School of Veterinary Medicine
      • Providing information on breed-related genetic health and welfare on the DogBreedHealth website: http://www.dogbreedhealth.com/
      • Promoting the Code of Practice for the Welfare of Dogs
      • Promoting the Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (Dog Breeding) 2018
      • Working with the Canine and Feline Sector Group (CFSG) and other welfare organisations to promote welfare improvements
      • Responding to official consultations and advising MPs, DEFRA, and Government Ministers

      Non-profit Organization

      Our People:

      Bios for the DBRG Founder, Trustees, Members, and Advisors can be viewed here.



    Signature Work



    Our Platform - DogWellNet.com

    DogWellNet.com is the online platform for IPFD and is a curated information hub as well as housing resources to support actions by IPFD and its Partners and Collaborators.





    International Dog Health Workshops



    The IPFD's signature events, the IDHWs bring together decision makers from professional, regulatory, national and regional, welfare and other organisations that are stakeholders in dog health, well-being and welfare and human-dog interactions under the tagline 'From Information and Collaboration to Action'.





    Harmonization of Genetic Testing for Dogs Database



    The HGTD Database catalogs information provided voluntarily from genetic test providers (GTPs) including information on their company and services, quality measures and expertise, tests offered and more. We are continually engaging more GTP participants. IPFD has collated and assembled existing and new resources for genetic counselling and education; and provided the foundation for further developments.





    Breeds Database



    As of March 2023, our Pedigree Dogs Database lists 183 breeds: information includes breed standards, population data, club newsletters, breed databases, videos and much, much more. Sections on Native Breeds and Additional Resources including Agria Breed Profiles, Globally Relevant Integrated Health Profile (GRIHP) articles which describe the Big Picture of health on (all) conditions that are of interest within a breed GRIHP and associated IPFD WSAVA Meet the Breed articles are available. Many thanks to breed experts and clubs for sharing information on their breed with the DogWellNet.com Community.



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